Flashcard Quiz

A simple customizable Kanji Flashcard quiz game with over 1000 different kanjis to help you learn Japanese fast on both PC and mobile!

22 Jan 2025 Update: This project is now deprecated, a newer and better version will be released in a week! Stay tuned!

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language, word, tell

かた, かたる

Sentence Examples

単語(たんご) | word

How to use?

Each Kanji card will come with a Kanji drawing. Each answer card will come with random English, Onyomi and Kunyomi meanings.
Out of the 9 random answer cards, one of it is the correct definition for the Kanji being shown.
Swipe on mobile, Arrow-Keys on desktop to progress.
On top of the Kanji Card, there's a little gear icon. Click on it and a pop up will appear where you can customize what Kanjis you want to be tested on.